(Quelle: verschiedene Newsgroups - na ja, eigentlich control.cancel ;-)
U-X-Cancelled-By: hweede@snafu.de U-Control: cancel <3638EEBA.CC963EF@gmx.net> By this advisory message, hweede@snafu.de recommends the local removal of a spam whose Breidbart index is 65. The above header does not state who has issued this message or the spam itself. DO NOT REPLY TO ANY OF THESE ADDRESSES. See report "streiksirecodeja-10300114" in news.lists.filters. Subject was: Internetstrike am 1.11 - USER VEREINIGT EUCH!!!
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U-X-Original-Subject: Internetstreik gegen die hohen Telekom Ortsgebuehren am 1. 11. 98 U-X-Original-From: McCheat- Internetstriker <InternetStrike@gmx.net> U-Control: cancel <363343D7.8324DBF6@gmx.net> Article cancelled as EMP/ECP, exceeding a BI of 20. The "Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines" FAQ is available at http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/tskirvin/faqs/spam.html Please include the X-CosmoTraq header of this message in any correspondence specific to this spam. Sick-O-Spam, Spam-B-Gon!